Tag Archives: Phantom Of The Opera

More success for Nicole Hammett in Malta

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Recently ESC Covers reported about the young and talented singer, Nicole Hammett, from Malta. Now she is having more success that we wanted to tell you about. Nicole has just won the Grand Prix with the highest marks from all contestants in a festival by Diamond Productions.

Nicole sang the operatic aria Sempre Libera from La Traviata by Verdi. She has a unique voice where she can adapt from operatic to rock and to pop. Nicole is thankful to her vocal coaches Danica Muscat (who is one of the 2018 Malta Song For Europe finalists again), Joshua De Cadeneux and Joseph Chircop.

In addition to the success with the Grand Prix, Nicole has advanced to the semi-final stage of The Entertainers – Singing Challenge on Net tv in Malta. She performed Phantom Of The Opera.

You can see Nicole singing Phantom Of The Opera below from Anki Jien Ghandi X’Nuri show on Net tv.

Source: ESC Covers; PHOTOS COPYRIGHT: https://www.facebook.com/nicolehammettpopsopranosinger.official/